

Sunday School

The Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10:30 except holiday times. Every child will be made welcome. Sunday School is for ages 4 to 15

Sunday Morning Creche

We provide a creche during the morning service for pre-school children. School aged children are encouraged to sit with their family in the worship service. Speak to someone at the door of the church for directions to the creche.

659 Club

Our Children's meeting is called the 659 club. It meets at 7-8:15 on the 1st & 3rd Fridays most months. All primary School Children will enjoy the Bible stories and fun activities.

Parent And Toddler

Parent and Toddlers meets on Friday morning from 9:30-11:30 except during school holidays. Each Friday the church hall becomes a lively playground for babies and toddlers. There are toys and fun for all ages. Parents and carers have a chance to chat and enjoy a cup of tea together. If you have a young baby or toddler, please feel free to join us.

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